CorrTest Instruments Co. (China) manufactured her first full-digital potentiostat/galvanostat for corrosion electrochemistry in 1995. After 29 years of research and development, CorrTest has developed a series of electrochemical workstations dedicated to electroanalysis, corrosion, electrocatalysis, energy material research, sensors, electrodeposition etc. CorrTest has registered CorrTest® trademark and acquired a number of patents, software copyrights.
CorrTest has also developed different kinds of corrosion sensors and meters, corrosion management networks for on-site corrosion monitoring and risk evaluation of oilfields, petrochemicals, construction and offshore wind farms.
“Quality from Technology", "Progess from Profession" is our motto for research and development. CorrTest will continue to provide customers with high-quality products and professional services.
1995:1st electrochemical potentiostat was made based on AD&DA multifunction board
2007:CorrTest was officially established with 1st generation CS350 potentiostat designed
2015:2nd generation CS350G potentiostat with the achievement of 1MHz impedance
2016:Listed on China’s New OTC market and embarked on 1st generation corrosion meters
2017:3rd generation CS350H potentiostat, specializing in EIS for high-impedance coating
2021:4th generation, CS350M and CS310X multichannel products
2023:5th generation, CS2020B high-power booster to enhance CS350M output current