We are a manufacturer and trading company with main rpoduction lines for function bags , shopping bags ,
canvas tote bags , tool bags , cool lunch bags ,cosmetic bags etc.. and shower and night caps , aprons ,
pillow case and clothing accessories. All of our products are sold at home and abroad. Currently ,production
of night caps and shower caps are exported to the United States , Canada , Britain and other countries.
Our company can proveide customized services . We can cater to customer's logo and requirements.
Ther night cap products are primarily made of satin , silky satin and denim fabric that are environmentally
friendly.Our deleiery schedule is punctual and realistic , we welcome your requiry and visti ,
our slogan is "knows your needs".

There are digital printing machine , sample room, workshop and cutting bed department.

Showing are workshop , silk screen printing department and plastic PVC board cutting bed.